22 Transition Words, Sentence Starters, to Writing a Better Blog
In Yoast, I’ve always had problems with getting that green light when it comes to transition words. So, I thought it would be helpful to provide some transition words, sentence starters, to help all of us get that green light in Yoast.
Transition words can help you write a better blog by navigating your readers with actionable phrases. As you can see, this makes it a much better experience for your readers. That’s why it’s important and why Yoast recommends you use transition words in your blog posts.
So, if you are going to use transition words like ‘most importantly’, ‘because’, ‘therefore’, or ‘besides that’ you’ll find a better user experience. Now, I don’t know which one of these sentence starters will get you the green light with Yoast, but they are definitely worth giving a try.
- It’s funny
- Now, I know what you are thinking
- But here’s the thing
- In other words
- It’s not because
- What most people don’t realize
- And it’s not because
- When you
- As you can see
- To some extent
- On the other hand
- And that’s what I mean
- Even though
- That’s why
- If you are going
- Let’s look at
- And during that time period
- Well first off
- How do you
- Well, you need to
- Now that you have
- You and I
What transition words or phrases do you use?